Pneumatic control system


Pneumatic control system (PRS)

The pneumatic control system (PRS) regulates the pneumatic control of the valves of the fuel supply system. It is connected to the two fill / extraction valves for gaseous and liquefied hydrogen (H2) via two pneumatic control lines and also with the line for active flushing. These fill / extraction valves are pneumatically operated and activated via electrical valves.

To supply the combustion engine in the BMW Hydrogen 7 vehicle with H2, the Clean Energy control unit (CESG) opens the engine shutdown valve and the valve V_PRS_SG. These two valves are opened with a temporal offset. At the start of the hydrogen mode, the valve V_PRS_SF is opened briefly and closed again. On termination of the hydrogen mode, the valves V_PRS_SG and the engine shutdown valve are closed for a certain time after the end of the mode.


At the start of cold refuelling, the cold valves V_PRS_SG and V_PRS_SF are open.

Pneumatic valve timing

The essential tasks of the PRS are:

Component diagnosis

Within the framework of the test modules for these components, the following faults are covered: