Service function Read / write: kilometre readings operating mode and coolant heat exchanger


Service function Read / write: kilometre readings operating mode and coolant heat exchanger

The Clean Energy Control Unit (CESG) of the BMW Hydrogen 7 vehicle is unable to store kilometres driven data (kilometre readings) in the operating mode <hydrogen mode> or the operating mode <petrol mode>. The same applies to the current running period (see kilometre reading) of the coolant heat exchanger and to the limit value of the running period (see kilometre reading) of the coolant heat exchanger. As soon as the limit value for the running period has been reached, the coolant heat exchanger must be replaced.

This data is stored in the engine management system of the N73 engine.


The present service function enables the user to read the stated data from the engine management system of the N73 engine as well as to write the read data in this engine management system.

This service function must always be executed if one of the following actions is scheduled:

Very important!

At all times, it must be ensured that the correct kilometres driven data is stored in the engine management system. Reading the kilometres driven data is also possible in the control unit functions for the engine management system of the N73 engine: <Diagnosis requests> / <Total kilometres driven in hydrogen mode> or <Total kilometres driven in petrol mode>.

Diagnosis instruction!

1.) If it was not possible to read out / write the kilometre readings successfully within the framework of this service function, the response ”Read out / write not possible!” appears in the message box.

2.) There is no possibility to read out/ write the kilometre readings for the coolant heat exchanger on engine control units with older software versions. If this service function is run on an engine control unit with an old software version, the response ”Read out / write not possible!” appears in the message box