System lock

The system lock contains the following components

Electrical components


The switches are designed as contactless switches with Hall-effect elements. All switches feature a common ground (terminal 31) connection.


The central locking drives are linked to the lock mechanism. The following settings are possible:

The general module is equipped with a repeat inhibit function in order to protect the drives from thermal overload as the result of frequent use.

Mechanical components

Door lock

Only the front doors are equipped with door locks. The door lock on the front passenger's door is also dispensed with if the vehicle is equipped with remote control.

The door can be locked and unlocked mechanically via the door lock. Mechanical unlocking is also possible when the central locking is in armed status.

Child safety lock

The system locks of the rear doors are equipped with a mechanical child safety lock. The doors cannot be opened from the inside when the child safety lock is engaged.

Lockout protector

A mechanical lockout protector which prevents the door locking with the rotary latch open is integrated in the system lock on the driver's door.