More detailed functional description, see BMW Service Technology: TIS -> Document -> SI Technology -> Enter SBT number
SBT number: -> 62 01 03027
The Central Information Display (CID) is the indicating instrument of the CCC / M-ASK. The CID has a folding mechanism that is opened on the terminal change from terminal R off to terminal R.
On terminal change to terminal R off, the CID closes.
The CID can be closed in the corresponding menu item using the controller. The command for closing is sent by the CCC/M-ASK via the K-CAN to the CID.
A closed CID is opened again by pressing a button on the controller. The command for opening is also sent by the CCC/M-ASK via the K-CAN to the CID.
The angle of inclination of the CID can be set by hand. When it is closed, the CID saves the last position. The next time it is folded open, the last position saved by the CID is assumed.