In the event of problems with increased closed-circuit current, it is frequently the case that this must be determined during Service. With the conventional procedure, a shunt resistor must be fitted at the earth strap of the vehicle.
Evaluating of the closed-circuit current monitoring:
On vehicles with an IBS (Intelligent Battery Sensor), the DME/DDE monitors the closed-circuit current when in the idle state.
The IBS is only fitted with certain equipment options (e.g. M-ASK or CCC). The test module for evaluating of the closed-circuit current monitoring first of all tests whether an IBS is fitted at all.
In this model series, the results of the last 32 cycles of closed-circuit current monitoring are stored in the DME/DDE. A new cycle of closed-circuit current monitoring is stored under the following conditions:
If these conditions are met, the result of the closed-circuit current monitoring is stored in a new cycle. The oldest cycle of the 32 cycles is overwritten by the new cycle. Until terminal R is switched on again, a maximum of one new cycle of closed-circuit current monitoring is stored.
The result of a cycle of closed-circuit current monitoring has two categories:
Increased closed-circuit current in a cycle can be seen above all when no auxiliary consumer unit was logged in, but the closed-circuit current was above 80 mA.
Bear in mind that in the event of problems with the idle state of the vehicle no new cycles for closed-circuit current monitoring are stored. If the vehicle does not 'go to sleep', e.g. due to a 'sleep preventer', no new cycle of closed-circuit current monitoring is stored. Saving a new cycle of closed-circuit current monitoring is also prevented if the vehicle is permanently wakened by a control unit or a user.