Service interval display
The service interval display (SIA) is an indication to the driver and the workshop that a service (oil service or inspection) or time-dependent service is due. The service intervals of the vehicle are calculated not only based on the kilometers covered but they are also related to the fuel consumption.
As from ignition key position 2, the instrument cluster shows the current service interval status with the corresponding illuminated segments in the service interval indicator (SIA). Once the engine has been started and a minimum engine speed exceeded, the service interval indicator (SIA) goes out after a short delay.
The service interval indicator (SIA) data is also stored in the light check module (LCM). After replacing the instrument cluster, completing encoding and allocation based on the vehicle identification number, the SIA data are transferred to the instrument cluster.
Reset service interval display
Vehicles with a diagnosis socket in the engine compartment: On vehicles with a diagnosis socket in the engine compartment, the service interval indicator (SIA) is reset by pulses of defined length at the reset input to the service interval indicator. Time-based and distance-based inspection can be carried out individually and independent of each other (SIA reset) provided the consumption value defined in the coding data or the minimum time is reached.
Vehicles without diagnosis socket in engine compartment: On vehicles where this diagnosis socket is no longer installed (09/2000) in the engine compartment, the service interval indicator (SIA) is reset according to a defined procedure with the left-hand button in the instrument cluster (trip recorder reset button). Each resetting operation can be carried out individually provided the minimum consumption value defined in the coding data or the minimum time has been reached. The due service (oil service or inspection) as well as the time-based inspection can be reset, however, the "reset service" (oil service or inspection) step must always be carried out first. In the same way as with the SIA reset, the time-based inspection can be reset only after reaching the coded time limit.
Due to the different display technology used, the display differs between the “basic” and “high” versions of the instrument cluster (IKE).
Reset service interval indicator (Service “oil service or inspection”)
- Ignition key position "0" (terminal 15 and terminal R OFF)
- Press left-hand instrument cluster button, hold pressed and turn ignition key to position "1" (terminal R)
- Only in the “basic” instrument cluster does the input mask for the test functions then appear briefly in the display.
- Keep button pressed, the service status is then indicated after 5 seconds
- SIA OIL SERVICE or INSPECTION and the remaining liters are shown
- The due service is indicated with "RESET SIA:
" in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or with “rE SIA” in the basic instrument cluster provided the coded minimum limit is reached and can be reset.
- “RESET SIA:" in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or “rE SIA” in the basic instrument cluster is not indicated if the coded minimum limit for the service has not been reached. In this case the remaining liters for the service are shown in the display.
- To reset
Keep button pressed in order to assume reset mode after a further 5 seconds provided the coded minimum limit has been reached.
- "RESET SIA:" in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or “rE SIA
” in the basic instrument cluster flashes in the display for 5 seconds if the minimum limit has been reached.
- If resetting is required, the service can now be reset by releasing, pressing again and releasing the button while "reset" is flashing.
- The liters for the new service are indicated for approx. 5 seconds on completion of the reset.
- If resetting is not required, the old service can be retained by releasing the button and waiting for the flashing sequence to elapse.
- The old service is shown for 5 seconds.
To reset service interval indicator (time-based inspection)
- The time-based inspection can be reset after the service.
- If the time-based inspection is not coded “End SIA:
” in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or “EndSIA” in the basic instrument cluster is indicated together with the old service (if not reset) or with the new
liters from service (if reset).
- The time-based inspection status is shown if time-based inspection is encoded.
- The due time-based inspection is shown with "Reset" in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or with “rE” in the basic instrument cluster
- The due time-based inspection is indicated with "RESET" in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or with “rE” in the basic instrument cluster if the coded minimum limit has been reached.
- The due time-based inspection is indicated without "RESET" in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or without “rE
” in the basic instrument cluster if the coded minimum limit has not been reached.
- Press and hold the button for longer than 5 seconds if the due time-based inspection is indicated with "RESET" in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or with “rE” in the basic instrument cluster.
- After 5 seconds the display "RESET" in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or “rE” in the basic instrument cluster flashes for 5 seconds.
- If resetting is required, the time-based inspection can now be reset by releasing, pressing again and releasing the button while the display is flashing.
- The new time-based inspection status is shown for 5 seconds, “End SIA:
” in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or “EndSIA” in the basic instrument cluster is shown together with the new time-based inspection status.
- If resetting is not required, the old time-based service can be retained by releasing the button and waiting for the flashing sequence to elapse.
- The old time-based inspection status is shown for 5 seconds, “End SIA:
” in the high instrument cluster (IKE) or “EndSIA” in the basic instrument cluster is shown together with the old time-based inspection status.