A117 Eject box

Connector overview

NumberX-pin, colorDescription
X454518-pin, blackConnector Eject box
X132221-pin, blackConnector for antenna cable

Pin assignments at connector X4545

PinTypeDescription / Signal typeConnection /
Measuring notes
1ETelephone, internalUniversal electronic charging and hands-free module (ULF)
2MGroundGround splice
3ETerminal 58 illuminationTerminal 58 splice
4 Not used 
5ETerminal 30 voltage supplyFuse F57
6EVoltage supply terminal RUnloader relay, terminal R
8 Not used 
9 Not used 
10ETelephone, internalUniversal electronic charging and hands-free module (ULF)
11 Not used 
12 Not used 
13ETelephone, internalUniversal electronic charging and hands-free module (ULF)
14 Not used 
15 Not used 
16 Not used 
17 Not used 
18 Not used 

Pin assignments at connector X13222

PinTypeDescription / Signal typeConnection /
Measuring notes
1E/AAntenna signalCompensator