E60_E65_E80: Operational test of telephone ECE

Telephone Everest (TCU) platform ECE

Inspection point

Topic / fault symptom

Initial state

Instruction to technicians

Question to technicians

Measures for technicians


Power supply/power management

Insert handset in the eject box

Run terminal change from terminal 0 to terminal R

Does the handset switch on? Is the connection to the control module set up?


YES ==>

OK; no other measures required

NO ==>

Continue with inspection point 2


Power supply/power management

Terminal 15

Check fuse for the telephone

Fuse OK?


YES ==>

Continue with inspection point 3

NO ==>

Replace fuse and repeat inspection point 1


Power supply/power management

Terminal 15

Measure at telephone control module

Are the voltage supplies present?


YES ==>

Continue with inspection point 4

NO ==>

Check wiring harness; repeat inspection point 1












Power supply/power management


Read out fault memory

Are entries stored in the fault memory?


YES ==>

Continue with inspection point 6

NO ==>



Power supply/power management


Clear fault memory; switch in control module once again; read fault memory

Do entries recur?



YES ==>

Replace TCU control module

NO ==>

































































































































Handset, battery frequently run down

Terminal 15 active

Customer discussion

Query to customer: Is the handset often taken out of the eject box? Are only short trips driven (short charging times)?


YES ==>

Note for customers: Leave handset in eject box; possibly increase after-run time of the TCU on the handset in order to be able to charge longer after parking the vehicle

NO ==>

Continue with inspection point 15


Handset, battery frequently run down

Handset not placed in eject box and switched off

Check power supply: Activate terminal 15, place handset in eject box/drawer

Does the handset switch in when placed in the eject box? Does the battery display in the handset flash?


YES ==>

Power supply and handset OK; as remedy, only inspection point 14 possible

NO ==>

Continue with inspection point 16


Handset, battery frequently run down

Terminal 15 active

Check voltage of the eject box with voltage measuring equipment (orientation: viewed from above and contacts facing downwards: on the right B+ ground in the center)

Is the voltage supply present?






YES ==>

Power supply and wiring eject box/drawer OK; continue with inspection point 17

NO ==>

Check wiring of eject box; if appropriate, replace eject box


Handset, battery frequently run down

Terminal 15 active

Check function of eject box with replacement handset

Is the replacement handset charged?


YES ==>

Replace customer handset

NO ==>

Replace eject box; continue as of inspection point 15


Handset, no display illumination

Terminal 15 active

Switch on terminal 58g; set instrument dimmer to max.

Display illumination OK


YES ==>

No further measures

NO ==>

Continue with inspection point 30


Reception, sustained low level display

Terminal 15 active

Check network (card D1/D2/ e-plus); check level display in HMI/on handset

Is the displayed level lower than the normal value (past value) of the corresponding network?


YES ==>

Continue with inspection point 19

NO ==>



Reception, sustained low level display

Terminal 15 active

Run an antenna test

Is the antenna cable on the control module and at the antenna correctly connected?


YES ==>

Replace control module TCU; if necessary, run test with test antenna on control module

NO ==>

Remedy fault in antenna/antenna supply line






































SIM card, SIM card is not recognized

Terminal 15 active

Check with test SIM card

Is the card read by the control module?


YES ==>

Customer card defective

NO ==>

Continue with inspection point 23




SIM card, SIM card is not recognized



Terminal 15 active



Replace eject box (card reader)



Function fulfillled with new eject box?


YES ==>

OK; replace customer eject box

NO ==>

Continue with inspection point 24


SIM card, SIM card is not recognized

Terminal 15 active

Check cable/plug contact between eject box and control module TCU

Fault detected?


YES ==>

Replace cable/plug-in contact

NO ==>

Replace control module


Handset, handset shows no telephone functions

Terminal 15 active

Read out TCU fault memory

Bluetooth fault memory entries present?


YES ==>

Replace TCU control module

NO ==>

Continue with inspection point 26


Handset, handset shows no telephone functions

Terminal 15 active

Start the following menu items: - Main menu - Bluetooth - Base station - Re-connect

Is the connection with TCU successfully set up?


YES ==>

Handset and pairing with TCU OK; no other measures required

NO ==>

Check base antenna/cable


Handset, handset shows no telephone functions

Terminal 15 active

Check base antenna/cable to TCU

Base antenna / cable OK?


YES ==>

Check other handset; continue with inspection point 28

NO ==>

Correct connection; repeat inspection point 26


Handset, handset shows no telephone functions

Terminal 15 active

Open the following menu items on other handset: - Main menu - Bluetooth - Base station - Re-connect

Is the connection with TCU successfully set up?


YES ==>

Replace customer handset; repeat inspection point 26

NO ==>

Check control module TCU; replace if necessary


Handset, no display illumination

Terminal 15 active

Switch on terminal 58g; set instrument dimmer to max.

Nighttime design lighting on other components OK?


YES ==>

Check supply wire 58g to control module TCU; continue with inspection point 31

NO ==>

Check dimmer; no telephone fault!




Handset, no display illumination



Terminal 15 active



Switch on terminal 58g; set instrument dimmer to max.



Cable 58g to control module present?


YES ==>

Check function of TCU using test handset; continue with inspection point 32

NO ==>

Correct cable/plug-in contact




Handset, no display illumination



Terminal 15 active



Switch on terminal 58g; set instrument dimmer to max.; pair replacement handset with TCU



Function ensured with replacement handset?



YES ==>

Replace customer handset

NO ==>

Replace control module TCU; pair customers handset with replacement TCU


Hands-free mode, no hands-free function

Switch on terminal 15

Set up a voice connection with handset in cradle (hands-free mode)

Audio output present?




YES ==>

OK; no other measures required

NO ==>

Check LF signal at 54-pin connector with oscilloscope; continue with inspection point 34


Hands-free mode, no hands-free function

Switch on terminal 15

Check LF signal at 54-pin connector with oscilloscope

LF signal present?



YES ==>

Check LF-on signal; continue with inspection point 35

NO ==>

Replace control module TCU; pair customers handset with replacement TCU


Hands-free mode, no hands-free function

Switch on terminal 15

Check LF-on signal at 54-pin connector with oscilloscope

LF-on signal present?



YES ==>

Check and correct cables/plug-in contacts between TCU and radio

NO ==>

Continue with inspection point 45




















Eject box, no button illumination on eject button

Terminal 15 active

Switch on terminal 58g; set instrument dimmer to max.

Button illumination OK?


YES ==>

No other measures required

NO ==>

Continue with inspection point 38


Eject box, no button illumination on eject button

Terminal 15 active

Switch on terminal 58g; set instrument dimmer to max.

Nighttime design lighting on other components OK?


YES ==>

Check supply wire 58g to eject box; continue with inspection point 39

NO ==>

Check dimmer; no telephone fault!


Eject box, no button illumination on eject button


Switch on terminal 58g

Cable 58g to eject box present?


YES ==>

Replace eject box; repeat inspection point 37

NO ==>

Correct cable/plug-in contact


HMI, no telephone functions in vehicle HMI (instrument cluster, MFL, radio, MID, BM, display)

Terminal 15 active

Open telephone HMI

Are telephone functions displayed?


YES ==>

OK; no other measures required

NO ==>

Read ID using diagnosis; continue with inspection point 41


HMI, no telephone functions in vehicle HMI (instrument cluster, MFL, radio, MID, BM, display)

Terminal 15 active

Read ID using diagnosis

Does control module respond?


YES ==>

Replace HMI

NO ==>

Bus fault; check plug-in contacts/cables


HMI, no telephone functions in vehicle HMI (instrument cluster, MFL, radio, MID, BM, display)

Terminal 15 active

Check plug-in contacts/cables

Plug-in contacts/cables OK


YES ==>

Replace control module/TCU

NO ==>

Correct plug-in contacts/cables


Hands-free mode, no change between privacy and hands-free

Terminal 15 active

Check setting in the handset for ”automatic hands-free mode”

Is ”automatic hands-free mode” activated in the handset?


YES ==>

Check hands-free mode; continue with inspection point 33

NO ==>

Change setting in the handset to ”automatic hands-free mode”


SMS, no reception of SMS possible

Terminal 15 active

Check whether sufficient memory capacity for other SMS is available

Is sufficient memory capacity available?






YES ==>

Should not occur; if necessary, replace control module





NO ==>

Delete SMS


Hands-free mode, no hands-free function

Switch on terminal 15

Check microphone connection

Audio input present?


YES ==>


NO ==>

Replace control module TCU; pair customers handset with replacement TCU


Browser, browser unable to establish a connection

Terminal 15 active

Check basic functionality of telephone

Telephone connection possible?


YES ==>

Problem with browser service instructions specified

NO ==>

Check basic functionality of telephone: run inspection points 1 to 6 and 18 to 24


Telematic, limited/no Telematic MMI

Terminal 15 active

Check whether option 612 is coded

Is option 612 coded?


YES ==>

Check whether it is initialized

NO ==>

Encode and initialize if ordered




Telematic, limited Telematic MMI



Terminal 15 active



Check whether function is initialized



Is Telematic initialized?


YES ==>

Deactivate and reinitialize (through MMI)

NO ==>

Initialize (through MMI)


Telematic, initialization not possible

Terminal 15 active

Check whether GPS signal is present (DTC)

Is GPS hidden (and sky visible)?


YES ==>

Is GPS being received?

NO ==>

Repair GPS connection


Telematic, initialization unsuccessful

Terminal 15 active

Check login at service provider

Is VIN correctly encoded and registered with provider?


YES ==>

Call hotline

NO ==>

Correct encode VIN; initialize once again


Telematic, limited Telematic functions (e.g. no V information)

Terminal 15 active

Check customer SIM card type

Is customer SIM card supported (D1/D2)?


YES ==>

Check whether SMS memory capacity is free

NO ==>

The customer must leave out the SIM card (thus Telematic SIM) or by another card


Telematic, limited Telematic functions (e.g. no V information)

Terminal 15 active

Check SMS memory capacity

Is the customer SIM card SMS memory full?


YES ==>

Delete SMS to customer SIM

NO ==>

Check list of supported services in the MMI


Telematic, limited Telematic functions (e.g. no V information)

Terminal 15 active

Check whether V information is in the list of present services

Is service enabled?



YES ==>

Register with service provider hotline

NO ==>

Update (by MMI) with customer SIM card present


Telematic, emergency call not possible

Terminal 15 active

Check whether button is connected

Is emergency call LED visible at ignition on (2 seconds)?


YES ==>

Check switch connection per diagnosis

NO ==>

Emergency call button cable fault


Telematic, emergency call not possible

Terminal 15 active

Check whether it is switched on

Is emergency call function switched on?


YES ==>

Check telephone hands-free mode

NO ==>

Check ”master bit” per diagnosis


Telematic, positioning to service provider incorrect

Terminal 15 active

Check whether GPS is hidden

Is GPS connection OK?


YES ==>

Check whether dead reckoning is defective

NO ==>

Switch on ”master bit” per diagnosis


Telematic, positioning to service provider incorrect, only in city

Terminal 15 active

Check whether dead reckoning signals are defective

Are TCU DFA cables OK?


YES ==>

Replace TCU

NO ==>



Telematic, ”Hotline”/”Roadside assistance”/”Home dealer” no data exchange

Terminal 15 active

Check whether it is initialized

Is Telematic initialized?


YES ==>

Deactivate and reinitialize (through MMI)

NO ==>

Initialize (through MMI)


Telematic, no ”Hotline”/”Roadside assistance”/”Home dealer” softkey

Terminal 15 active

Non-Telematic services only with customer SIM card

Customer SIM card present?


YES ==>

Check fixed numbers

NO ==>

Insert test SIM




Telematic, no ”Hotline”/”Roadside assistance”/”Home dealer” softkey



Terminal 15 active



Check fixed numbers



Are telephone numbers correctly programd (also correct format)?


YES ==>

Check hands-free mode

NO ==>

Program telephone numbers once again (per diagnosis)


Telematic, no ”Hotline”/”Roadside assistance”/”Home dealer” softkey

Terminal 15 active

Non-Telematic services only with customer SIM card

Customer SIM card present?



YES ==>

Check MOST connection

NO ==>

Program telephone numbers once again (per diagnosis)


Telematic, incorrect vehicle profile in the MMI

Terminal 15 active

Code TCU (correct VIN in the TCU) and re-initialize Telematic services

Still incorrect profile?


YES ==>

Report to hotline of the service provider

NO ==>
