Warning lamps


Warning lamps

Required signal

General brake warning lamp

Resistance value of brake pad wear sensors or brake fluid level message from light-check module via the K-bus

Parking brake warning lamp

Ground from parking brake switch (parking brake)

Seat belt indicator lamp

K-bus message from light check module

Fuel reserve lamp

Resistance value of both lever sensors (analog input)

Turn signal indicator lamps

K-bus message from light check module

Fog light indicator lamp

K-bus message from light check module

Rear fog light indicator lamp

K-bus message from light check module

High beam indicator lamp

K-bus message from light check module

Oil pressure indicator lamp

Ground from oil pressure switch

Oil level warning lamp

K-bus message from light check module

Coolant over-temperature (red)

Resistance value from coolant temperature sensor (temperature-dependent resistor)/engine speed signal TD from engine control unit (depending on the engine variant coded, the signal is read via a separate line or by the CAN bus)

Air suspension

K-bus message from air suspension control unit

Battery charge indicator lamp

D+ terminal 61 from alternator

ABS indicator lamp

Signal from antilock brake system control unit

Airbag indicator lamp

Signal (ground) from airbag control unit

Catalytic converter indicator lamp

Signal (ground) thermal switch country-specific version: Japan

Check engine (exhaust gas warning lamp)

Signal (ground) from engine control unit

Preheater indicator lamp (diesel)

Signal (ground) from engine control unit

Cruise control indicator lamp

Signal (ground) from cruise control unit

ASC control

Signal (ground) from ASC control unit

Fault - automatic transmission

Information link from automatic transmission control unit

General: The back lighting of all warning lamp symbols as well as the gear range engaged for automatic transmission together with the drive program selected is provided by LEDs.

General brake warning lamp: The warning lamp can be switched on by the light check module (LCM) when, for example, the LCM detects that the brake fluid level is too low or the instrument cluster detects that the brake pad sensor loop has a break to ground. The warning lamp is also switched on after ignition "ON" as a function check (predrive check) and goes out when a minimum engine speed of 400 rpm is exceeded.

Seat belt indicator lamp: The seat belt indicator lamp is activated dependent on the coding data. For vehicles without a seat belt buckle contact, it is switched on for approx. 6 seconds after terminal 15 "ON".

On vehicles equipped with a seat belt buckle contact, the warning lamp is switched on from terminal 15 "ON" by a corresponding K-bus telegram from the light check module (LCM) until the seat belt contact is opened (seat belt buckle latched).

Fuel reserve lamp: The fuel reserve warning lamp is not switched by a reserve contact in the level sensor. It is switched as a function of the tank contents by comparison with a reserve threshold value..

The "fuel reserve" signal is output as information for engine management. It is coupled to the fuel reserve warning lamp and is switched on for 2 seconds as a function check when switching on terminal 15 (predrive check).

Turn signal indicator lamps: The turn signal indicator lamps are switched by a corresponding K-bus telegram from the light check module (LCM) to the instrument cluster.

Fog light indicator lamp: The fog light indicator lamp is switched by a corresponding K-bus telegram from the light check module (LCM) to the instrument cluster.

Rear fog light indicator lamp: The rear fog light indicator lamp is switched by a corresponding K-bus telegram from the light check module (LCM) to the instrument cluster.

High beam indicator lamp: The high beam indicator lamp is switched by a corresponding K-bus telegram from the light check module (LCM) to the instrument cluster.

Oil level warning lamp: The warning lamp is switched by a corresponding K-bus telegram from the light check module (LCM) to the instrument cluster.

As a function check, the warning lamp is switched on for 2 seconds when terminal 15 is switched on (predrive check).

Air suspension: If coded, the warning lamp is switched by a corresponding K-bus telegram from the air suspension control unit (EHC) to the instrument cluster.

If coded, the warning lamp is switched on for 2 seconds as a function check when terminal 15 is switched on (predrive check).

Air suspension: If coded, the warning lamp is switched by a corresponding K-bus telegram from the air suspension control unit (EHC) to the instrument cluster.

Transmission fault: If automatic transmission is coded, the warning lamp is switched by a corresponding telegram (150 Baud) from the automatic transmission control unit. The instrument cluster is also informed through this data link of the gear range engaged so that it can display the relevant drive stage.


The indicator lamps listed in the following are controlled directly through the appropriate connector pins by the relevant system.

Oil pressure indicator lamp: The warning lamp is switched by the oil pressure switch.

Battery charge indicator lamp: The warning lamp is switched by the D+ terminal 61 signal (charge mode approximately system voltage) to the instrument cluster.

Parking brake warning lamp: The warning lamp is activated by a switch on the parking brake. The switch is open when the parking brake is released.

As a function check, the warning lamp is switched on for 2 seconds when terminal 15 is switched on (predrive check).

Airbag indicator lamp: The warning lamp is switched by a signal (ground) from the airbag control unit.

Antilock brake system indicator lamp: The warning lamp is switched by the ABS control unit. Since the warning lamp must light in the case of a signal line failure a second signal input is provided in the instrument cluster for this warning lamp. In the case of this new ABS control unit, this second line must be connected to ground for the ABS warning lamp to light. The new function, signal line high (system voltage) warning lamp active, signal line low (ground) warning lamp off and signal line high (high-ohmic, interrupted) warning lamp active, also takes into account a break in the signal line. The previous function, signal line high (high-ohmic) warning lamp off and signal line low (ground) warning lamp active is still possible.

Catalytic converter indicator lamp (country version Japan): The warning lamp "catalytic converter overheating" is switched by a signal (ground) from a thermal switch on the exhaust gas cleaning system.

Check engine (exhaust gas warning lamp): The "check engine" warning lamp is switched by a signal (ground) from the engine control unit.

Preheat indicator lamp (diesel): The "preheat" warning lamp is switched by a signal (ground) from the engine control unit.

Cruise control active indicator: The "cruise control active indicator" is switched by a signal (ground) from the cruise control unit or by the engine control unit for diesel engines.

Check engine (exhaust gas warning lamp): The "ASC" warning lamp is switched by a signal (ground) from the engine control unit. The warning lamp is switched on permanently if the ASC is switched off. When the ASC is switched on, the warning lamp goes out after a function check (predrive check) and flashes during a control phase.

As a function check, the warning lamp is switched on for 2 seconds when terminal 15 is switched on (predrive check).