Combustion preheating system DDE 5.0/5.1

The glowplug system consists of the following components:

A heater plug relay as in the case of DDE 4.0 is not fitted.

The quick-start glowplugs are designed for a voltage of between 5.3 and 7.8 Volts. In the initial heating stage, system voltage may also be applied for a short time.

The essential differences from the glowplug systems on previous models are as follows:

To check the glow system, there are two adapter leads:


The glowplug control module communicates with the DDE control module via the bit serial data interface.

The required heating output is determined by the DDE control module on the basis of the following operational parameters:

Two other operational parameters determine the point at which glowplug function is activated and deactivated:

The DDE control module transmits the heating request to the glowplug control module via the bit serial data interface. The glowplug control module puts the request into effect by activating the glowplugs by means of a pulse-width modulated signal. In addition, the glowplug control module sends diagnostic and status information back to the DDE control module.


At coolant temperatures below 25°C, there is a preheating period of 0.5 seconds. The preheating period increases as the temperature falls, reaching a maximum of 2.7 seconds at a coolant temperature of less than -25°C.

Activation of the glowplug system on the instrument cluster only occurs at coolant temperatures below 0°C.


At coolant temperatures below 30°C, there is a temperature-dependent after-heating period to improve idling and exhaust emission characteristics.

Start preheating

Start preheating takes place for approx. 10 seconds if after the preheating time has elapsed the engine is not started and the ignition remain on.


The DDE control module monitors communication with the glowplug control module. In the event of a fault on the bit serial data interface, the DDE control module stores the following fault code:

The glowplug control module monitors activation of the individual glowplugs and is able to detect the following faults and store them for each glowplug:

If the glowplug control module detects a fault, it reports it to the DDE control module which stores the fault in its fault memory.