
When and in what order the service functions are to be performed:

On replacing the sequential M-transmission control module.

1. Teach the clutch valve values

2. Fully adapt the transmission

3. Teach the clutch slipping point

4. Teach the offset of the longitudinal-acceleration sensor

After working on the hydraulic system if the system was opened

If the pressure accumulator is replaced

1. Bleed the transmission actuator

2. Bleed the clutch operating cylinder and hydraulic lines

If the clutch is replaced

If the clutch operating cylinder is replaced

Note: only perform 1. and 2. when the hydraulic system was opened

1. Bleed the transmission actuator

2. Bleed the clutch operating cylinder and hydraulic lines

3. Teach the clutch valve values

4. Teach the clutch slipping point

5. Reset the clutch characteristic curve (selection via control module function)

If the transmission is replaced

If the hydraulic control module is replaced

Note: only perform 1. and 2. when the hydraulic system was opened

1. Bleed the transmission actuator

2. Bleed the clutch operating cylinder and hydraulic lines

3. Fully adapt the transmission

4. Teach the clutch valve values

5. Teach the clutch slipping point

If the actuator is replaced

1. Bleed the transmission actuator

2. Fully adapt the transmission

If the gear recognition is replaced

1. Fully adapt the transmission

If the longitudinal-acceleration sensor is replaced

1. Determine the offset of the longitudinal-acceleration sensor

If the engine is replaced

If the dual-mass flywheel (ZMS) is replaced

Note: only perform 1. and 2. when the hydraulic system was opened

1. Bleed the transmission actuator

2. Bleed the clutch operating cylinder and hydraulic lines

3. Teach the clutch valve values

4. Teach the clutch slipping point