Procedure: Reprogramming MOST control modules
- Step 1: print out the results of the MOST bus system analysis.
- Step 2: read out the vehicle data with Progman, determine the measures plan and work through it. See SI Technology ”Programming with CIP and Progman, all models as of E31”.
TIS -> Document -> SI Technology -> Enter SBT Number
SBT number: 00 03 03054
- Step 3: All suspicious control modules must be reprogrammed.
- Case 1:
All suspicious control modules have been programmed within the framework of the Progman measures plan. Continue with step 4.
- Case 2: One of the two suspicious control modules was not programmed within the framework of the CIP measures plan. Reprogram this control module in the control module selection with ”Update software”.
- Case 3: No suspicious control modules has been programmed within the framework of the CIP measures plan. Reprogram the suspicious control module in the control module selection with ”Update software”.
- Step 4: Enter the code specified by the diagnosis for vehicle programming in the comment field of the warranty-goodwill application.