RPA false alarms

Bear in mind that also in the case of individual coding a measures plan for
programming individual control modules might be created. The reason for this is a forced connection in the CIP. A control module can only be coded if it has already been programmed with the current SW status. If this is not the case, the measures plan must be run through accordingly.

If there is tyre noise, there is a danger of an RPA false alarm despite the individual coding of the DSC control module with the CIP CD 19.0. The reason for this is the expansion effect of the new tyre (initial expansion), possibly leading to a nonrecurring RPA false alarm. In this case, the RPA must be reinitialized in accordance with the BMW Owner's Manual.


The optimized coding parameters on the CIP CD 19.0 contain an ”RPA blind phase”, i.e. the RPA is switched to 'blind' as quickly as possible during air suspension activities until the EHC activities are reduced or concluded. This ”blind switching” is also active during the initialization phase, e.g. when stopped at a traffic light (frequent urban driving).

Effect for the customer:

The initialization phase in city traffic (stop-and-go operation) takes longer. Until the basic warning level is reached, the message ”Initialization running” is shown in the display as acknowledgement. This information, which was also present before coding with the CIP CD 19.0, is to be regarded as completely normal, but it now takes slightly longer. Be sure to inform the customer accordingly!