The DDE control module calculates the amount of fuel currently being consumed and sends the value to the on-board computer. Here the fuel consumption is calculated in l/100 km and displayed.
Prior to transfer to the on-board computer, the consumption signal is multiplied by a correction factor in the DDE control module. The correction factor is set at the factory to 1.0 and is adjustable within certain limits with the consumption calculation calibration function. In this way, the consumption displayed by the on-board computer can be corrected up or down.
Caution: Before using the calibration function, it is essential to make sure that there are no faults in the DDE control module or other problems in engine operation.
Calibration can be used if the customer determines and complains about a deviation between the following values:
These two values must be entered at the corresponding point during the calibration procedure. The calibration function then automatically calculates the correct correction factor and transfers it to the DDE control module.
The correction factor can decrease or increase by a maximum of 5%. If the newly calculated correction factor is outside these limits, the user will be given the option of setting the factor to the maximum permissible limit or not at all.
It is necessary to determine the fuel consumption correctly in order to achieve the required effect of the calibration procedure. The following procedure is recommended for this purpose:
Caution: Driving with different driving styles can influence the calibration accuracy and its effect on the energy control display.