Fault profiles, replacement CCC (Japan)

According to the repair instructions RA 65 83 010 ”Removing and fitting (replacing) the Car Communication Computer”, the CCC is to be replaced.
A part with part number 65 83 6 988 305 is to be fitted.

Handling and billing must take account of the valid warranty regulations.

Defect code: 65 83 90 02 00
This defect code is not stored in the official defect code catalogue, but in the system. This means warranty billing is possible as follows:

Within the framework of a workshop stay: replace CCC, billing / programming / coding via a service campaign or repair.
Job number: 00 56 805
Flat rate unit: 7 FRU (E60,E61); 6 FRU (E63,E64,E87)

Within the framework of a workshop stay: replace CCC and program/code control modules.
Job number: 00 56 806
Flat rate unit: 18 FRU (E60 525i-545i); 17 FRU (E60 M5,E61,E87); 16 FRU (E63,E64)

Within the framework of a workshop stay: replace CCC and program/code control modules (program using CAS).
Job number: 00 56 807
Flat rate unit:19 FRU (E60,E61); 17 FRU (E63,E64); 18 FRU (E87)

In the case of order without additional repair work: replace CCC and program/code control modules.
Job number: 00 56 140
Flat rate unit: 20 FRU (E60 525i-545i); 19 FRU (E60 M5,E61); 18 FRU (E63,E64,E87)

In the case of order without additional repair work: replace CCC and program/code control modules (program using CAS).
Job number: 00 56 141
Flat rate unit: 21 FRU (E60 525i-545i); 20 FRU (E60 M5,E61); 19 FRU (E63,E64,E87)

Only one of the above job numbers may be used for billing. Billing is limited to 36 months / 100,000 km and to March 2008.

If the measures plan in Progman specifies repeat programming and/or the replacement of control modules, proceed as follows:
- Print out measures plan.
- In markets with obligation to return, submit measures plan with the parts subject to return.
- In markets with obligation to return, store measures plan for documentation in the vehicle folder.
- Take the required job numbers and values from the KSD.
- Bill using the temporary defect codes listed above: