Grating noise at the door gap seal, B-pillar trim panel

Repair instruction for 'grating noise at the door gap seal, B-pillar trim panel'


To localise the noise

  1. Mark the position of the door gap seal at the door B-pillar with adhesive tape.
  2. Remove the door gap seal.
  3. Use silicone remover to clean the trim panel of the rear door B-pillar and allow to air.
  4. Mask off the contact surface of the door gap seal at the B-pillar with adhesive tape. See Fig. 1. After installation of the seal, the adhesive tape must not be visible. Bear in mind the markings for the position of the door gap seal. See Fig. 2.
  5. Remove the marking again.

Image 1


Mask off the contact surface of the door gap seal at the B-pillar with adhesive tape.

Image 2


Maintain a gap between the marking for the door gap seal and the adhesive tape.

After installation of the seal, the adhesive tape must not be visible.