The CAS serves as an antitheft alarm system and enables the start of BMW vehicles.
A transponder chip is integrated in each of the vehicle keys. The ignition lock is surrounded by a ring aerial. The transponder chip is powered by this coil from the CAS control module. This means that no battery is necessary in the key. The power supply and data transfer take place in the same way as a transformer between the loop aerial at the ignition lock and the transponder chip.
The CAS and DME/DDE communicate across the CAN bus and CAS bus.
A secret key, protected against manipulation, is stored in the CAS control module and in the DME/DDE control module.
From this point onwards, the DME and CAS control modules can only be replaced with control modules specifically ordered for each vehicle. An EWS calibration in the vehicle is not possible.
It is not possible to replace the DME/DDE or CAS control modules for test purposes!
The following procedure takes place after inserting the vehicle key in the ignition lock:
The following faults are monitored in the engine control module:
Engine start is inhibited if a fault is detected.